17th october 2016 – Barbara T

Visit the mosaics of Ravenna
A magical Sunday afternoon wandering around the streets of Ravenna. Catapulted in 400/500 AD, among the mosaics of San Vitale, Mausoleum of Galla Placida, Neoniano, Sant’Apollinare again and it could not miss Dante’s tomb. Cinzia made us participate, with her stories, to a magical era, of the Byzantine capital that was this city. You must bring camera, the places are pretty much all close, so comfortable shoes, but not that much. It ‘was a half-day visit because we only had this time available. But we’ll make another because Ravenna is full of monuments, the next ones will be the Domus of Stone Carpets, Mausoleum of Theodoric, Sant’Apollinare in Classe.